Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Welcome to Madiha & Kelcey's blog!


Getting to know about SCB…

Students Crossing Borders (SCB) is an amazing non-profit organization that supports the different initiatives taken in the community since 1991 with the partnership of Seneca College in Kingston, Jamaica. SCB was originally started by Fintan Kilbride, who was a high school teacher. In 2005, the leadership of SCB was transferred to Lynn Caruso; who was the first year coordinator of the Early Childhood Education at Seneca college. As she passed away, the leadership role of SCB was transferred to one of her colleagues Terry Kelly and former group of students by the names of Rima Dib, Caitlin Wood, and Farnoosh Droodgar. There are three trips that they organize every year to Jamaica. The trips usually take place in the month of February, May, and July by taking group of individuals such as educators, students, and other professionals who are interested in volunteering in different projects to support the community in Jamaica. 

Want to know about SCB's mission?

SCB has four key qualities that contribute towards their mission. The key components are as follows:

  1. “Educating privileged people about the reality of poverty and awakening in them a sense of responsibility towards change.”
  2. “Providing opportunities for those people to participate in change making on many levels both in Canada and Jamaica.”
  3. “Earning trust and respect from community partners through open-minded relationship building and communication.”
  4. “Fullfilling community-initiated  projects sustainably and collaboratively.”
  (Students Crossing Borders, 2013)

Who works with SCB?

During  the SCB trips, there are many different communities that we go to lend a hand ,but the most important thing to know is that we are at the communities to support and do what is needed  for the different  communities in Kingston , Jamaica .

One of the main contributors for SCB is the Dominican Sisters of Peace who are a Catholic Organization in  Columbus ,Ohio who had an interest in what SCB was doing and their approach to the work that they did in Jamaica ,so they partnered with them in  2010  via  Sister Gene Poore. They got a grant in the amount of $100 000 through the Catholic Health Initiatives which is mostly focused on youth leadership and empowerment. The Dominican Sisters of Peace is now taking on more of a leadership role funded by the LEAD program which stands for (Leadership Empowerment Action and Development).

One of the communities that are visited when SCB goes to Jamaica is Riverton Meadows Early Childhood Development Centre which is a school for younger children from ages 2 to 6 years old and the Riverton community as a whole.Another site that is visited is in the Mustard Seed Communities that is well known catholic organization in Jamaica and they have 12 centers across the island of Jamaica. The places that are a focal point when going to Jamaica are homes for orphaned and abandoned children living with HIV/AIDS.  There are three homes, in the community which is in big compound called Jerusalem! The places where we go are Matthew 25, Martha’s House and Dare to Care which is in Spanish Town and it is 15 minutes west of Kingston, Jamaica.

  (Students Crossing Borders, 2013)

Why we chose to advocate about SCB?

Kelcey's view

I thought that Students Crossing Borders was an amazing organization that not only helped the different communities in Jamaica; they supported the communities in whatever they needed. I had first-hand experience with this organization going on the trip in February 2012, which was an amazing experience.  As soon as I heard about SCB I wanted to go, I started making a plan on what I can do to fundraise money so that I can go on the trip. I decided then to do a bake sale during Christmas time selling Blue berry, Black and fruit cake which was a great success as I made enough money to go to the trip to Jamaica. As I got there, it was beyond any of my expectations, I wanted to go to help and support the community in any way I can. When I went on the trip, we set-up after-school activities  for the children in the community  which was so great to because you saw how much the children loved doing the different activities like painting ,beading  etc and how doing these activities made them happy and how they like spending time with us as we were in the different communities. Students Crossing Borders was a wonderful experience and I hope to go back soon as it was one of best experiences that I have had and one thing about this organization is that they advocate for children in Jamaica who might not have the same opportunities that we have and putting that into perspective.

Madiha's view

I thought that working with children and supporting them in any way I could was an important part of what I always wanted to do. The reason to advocate for Students Crossing Borders is that it helps children and their families in Kingston, Jamaica. As soon as I heard about the organization in my 5th semester of the Bachelor Child Development Degree program at Seneca College, I found it fascinating because working with children in Jamaica could be a brilliant and rewarding experience. I thought that I would be able to meet amazing people, and learn new skills but at the same time I could make a difference to their lives by providing them with the vital education and care. I have already started to think about the ways to fundraise money so that I could go on the trip with the SCB team. I  hope that the day would come soon!

For more information, you could visit the Students Crossing Borders website by clicking on the link below


  1. I think that students crossing boarders is a great way to get students to gain a new perspective of real life problems occurring in other parts of the world so they are able to make a difference first hand. I feel that children of other countires benefit greatly through this program because they gain new experiences, their community life enhances, new relationships are formed, and they gain greater support. Great job ladies, Jamaica can use great people like you!

    Rose. M

    1. Hi Rose

      SCB does give perspective of real life problems and you are able to see that other people might not have the same opportunities that we have,but we can do something to enhance their opportunities so they can be who they want to be and achieve what they want to do in the future. New relationships do formed,you get to know the people in the different communities and you can also keep in contact with them through Facebook to see how they are doing...it feels like you are not far away and with this organization we support the communities there and help in any way we can.

      Kelcey & Madiha

  2. When I hear the Students Crossing Borders, one thing come in my mind is Lynn Caruso. We just missed wonderful person. I still remember that last time I talked with her about this student Crossing Borders at Newham campus. I am really happy that how student from Seneca college helping children and community in Jamaica. Kelecy when I read your experiences went to Jamaica in 2012 I can see how much you loved the place and you learned about the community. Also, I like the fact you both did the blog on the Students Crossing Borders Organization because not everyone know about this. By doing this it will give other students from colleges, universities have awareness about this.

    Luxshana Maheswaran

    1. Hi Luxshana

      Thanks for commenting on our blog, yes Lynn was really passionate about Students Crossing Borders ,but what we can all do for her is doing anything we can to support SCB whether it be doing fundraisers to raise money,or going there yourself and getting first-hand experience on what she was talking about.Another way we can get involve is sponsoring a child in one of the communities that we go to in Jamaica. Doing this blog,does get people to know about this organization and helps in getting the word out of what SCB does and the different communities that we go to when in Jamaica and does give students from other colleges and universities information about what we do at Seneca and why it is a great thing to do. You learn a lot and you get to experience something great.

      Kelcey & Madiha

  3. Hello Kelcey and Madiha,

    This year, in February 2013, I attended the Students Crossing Borderes (SCB) trip to Jamaica and I would like to share my experience. As I recall, my teaching experience was memorable and unforgettable in Jamaica. The country was welcoming, the people were friendly, and the children were full of excitement! Upon my arrival to my classroom, children immediately knew that I was an 'outsider'. My classroom of preschool children who were left unattended by the ECE or the teacher at certain times of the day respected my presence near the end of my two weeks. During this journey, my teaching approach was first by observing, second by noticing the children's interest, and third by processing my teaching to practice. Having a core knowledge in child development, by sixth semester I was confident in providing children with a childhood which was filled with laughter and play. Everyday, my goal was to bring a smile to the children's life and I achieved this through various types of interactions. I was able to develop a successful teacher-child relationship. Simply, by allowing learning opportunities for children where they became researchers helped strengthen the bond between myself and the children. Thus, I would suggest learners like Madiha to explore this journey because it changed my life and it can bring a similar change to others!

    All the best,
    Jasmine Saini

    1. I'm glad that you had the chance to go and experience this opportunity in Jamaica. we are happy that you were able to learn a lot about the children and the teaching practices as you are there. The people are really friendly and they do teach you new things about yourself and the world around you. I am glad that you felt respected by the teachers and students as you stayed longer in Jamaica. The children are always excited when SCB comes because we all get to have great memories with each other and we are glad that you enjoyed the experience which is something that you will always remember. Once the teacher gets to know you you do get great teacher relationships which you may have encountered. This experience does change your life and it does give you great experiences for the future and we are glad that you had a memorable trip and it impacted your life and made a difference which this trip does.

      Kelcey & Madiha

  4. When I visited Jamaica two years ago, I was completely shocked to see children and families living in unfinished houses or on the sides of the streets. It was devastating to see people struggle to provide food and clean water for their families, as a majority of the population lives in poverty. With the lack of jobs, most people have to spend all they have on food and beverages. I think that students crossing boarders is an amazing way to provide adequate education and meaningful experiences to those who are most affected, the children! The experiences you ladies provided will be instill in these children's lives forever, as you gave them hope to strive for success and never give up. I was just wondering, did you work with the same children everyday or did you travel to different areas, helping children in other programs/schools? Also, will you ladies take another trip to Jamaica any time soon? This blog has help me gain more knowledge on those struggling in the global economy and what we can do to make a difference !! Thanks ladies, your hard work and support has truly been inspiring.

    Erica Colaluca

    1. Thank you Erica for commenting on our blog and we are happy that you had the chance to go to Jamaica and you got to see what is in Jamaica first hand. It is struggle to see children and their families struggling,but what this organization does is amazing,helping the different communities as it is needed in any way possible. For me (Kelcey) I worked with the community in Riverton but you have the option of going to another community in Jamaica ,for example Mathew 25 or Jerusalem! I would like to take another trip to Jamaica ,but I don't know when that will be ,but hopefully in 2015. I (Madiha) don't know when I will go to Jamaica,but hopefully in the near future I will get a chance. You never know what can happen ,but we both want the chance to go. Thank You for your wonderful words, this is a great opportunity and we would recommend going to anybody who wants to.

      Kelcey & Madiha

  5. I have personally been apart of Students Crossing Borders where I have went to Riverton and Spanish Town to interact with the community. This organization is wonderful because it gives the opportunity for people to be apart of the trip to see where the donations are going, and knowing the impact they are going just by participating and running activities for the community. From this experience I learned that the children create games and activities from their imagination because they do not have the materials and resources that I was able to have as a child. The children in each community are willing to learn and play, and if you show some of this to the children, they become very affectionate and become more attach to you. I recommend for anyone to be apart of this organization and see what a difference they can make.

    -Julia Hanson

    1. Julia,

      We are happy you went on the trip with SCB and know what we are talking about when talking about the different experiences that you will have there as you go on the trip. You are right, some of the children don't have the resources and materials that we had as children ,but this is our opportunity to let them experience these things that they might have not had before. The children do get attach to you as you spend more time with them, introducing them to materials that they might not have had and just spending time and playing with them.We get to teach them what we know and we get to see how much fun they are having. Thanks for your comment and we are happy that you would recommend people to be apart of this organization as you work hard,but also have fun.

      Kelcey & Madiha
