Saturday, October 5, 2013

Community Partners of SCB

Riverton Meadows Early Childhood 

Development Centre

Riverton Meadows Early Childhood Development Centre  is one of the community partners that are visited when in Jamaica. When we go to this location we are there to help the teachers in any way possible, finding out how best we can assist them and not rushing over to children as soon as we get to Riverton.  We help with the children by taking them in groups that are small outside doing activities that are focused and creating resources. We also restock on school supplies like pencils, paper etc.

After –school Program (winter trip)

During the winter trips which is usually 2 weeks, Students Crossing Borders provide after-school programs for the children in the community at the school in Riverton. SCB provides arts & crafts activities, sports activities, music activities, literacy activities and also doing circle time at the school. During each trip, a returning participant who is also an Early Childhood Educator is chosen to manage the after-school program at Riverton. The leaders who are chosen are responsible for getting the materials, preparing them and managing the implementation of the after-school activities. Because of this, these participants pay half the cost of the trip.
We help with organizing, create resources, planning activities and taking small groups out of the classroom for focused activities.

Summer School (summer trip)

During the summer trip in July, SCB runs a summer school program; this program is like the after-school program that is provided in the summer runs all day is like the after-school program that we provide in February. This organization provides funds for this program, for example the teacher’s salaries, the cooks and cleaners lunch and the materials needed for this program.

Riverton Reading Room & Homework Centre

In March 2011, SCB made a reading room/library for the community of Riverton. There were books for the age group of preschool and youth that was sent, they were arranged in order to produce the first ever library in Riverton. This part of the centre is a great place where the children and youth can come together after school to hear stories, writing activites, tutoring and the homework club. In the library, there were 6 new computers that were hooked up with a printer and internet access. This is a great in getting the children somewhere they can relax, listen to stories and also do their home work.  In the program a librarian and an assistant has been hired to run the program which is open 4 days a week. The library has been very popular with the community.

The goal

The goal is to increase the working hours and to run further literacy programs for adults, and have a library program for the children in the basic school.

Parent drop-in centre

Another part of Riverton Meadows, is the parent/child drop in centre, SCB is trying with some organizations in Jamaica to support learning through play and doing child-directed learning. Through doing activities in the centre parents will learn the significance of play based learning and the different workshops provided like information on child development, problem solving with children and helping the children read will be of importance. SCB is in charge of for funding the snacks, paying the salary of the supervisor and maintenance of the supplies, furnishings and the infrastructure.

Health Clinic

At Riverton, the health clinic is very significant as before travelling participants are asked to bring with them some important resources for the clinic. Through the efforts of SCB, they are able to refill the shelves with basic first-aid supplies, medications, vitamins, and other commonly used 
treatments. Participants on the trip regularly work in the clinic, helping Nurse Kim with cleaning, paperwork; visits, seniors’ letter writing programs, and seniors’ feeding programs. In July 2011, through the partnership with the Dominican Sisters of Peace, we were able to give funding for 2 clinic days, when this is where community members saw the doctor free of charge and obtained medications through a small fund available for the elderly.  In February of 2012 SCB was able to give Sexual health workshops facilitate by Kim Martyn, a Toronto Public Health social worker.

House building/hurricane repair and maintenance

When funding is available, SCB builds a small house for someone in Riverton or one of the surrounding shanty communities. Although the houses are very small, it provides basic shelter for the family or individual, keeping them protected in case of bad weather conditions. Each house costs close to $3,000. This covers all materials and pays local carpenters assistants. SCB team members help by hauling rocks, sand and cement; and by painting and hammering. On our summer trips, we typically help to repair houses in the community in preparation for hurricane season. As much as possible, we try to provide materials that people need and they do the repairs themselves.  So far SCB have built7 homes, 4 for seniors in the community who were in need of shelter, and 2 for women and their young children whose living conditions were desperate. The good news is that every house we have built and/or repaired has withstood any hurricanes they have been hit with! SCB build these houses when the opportunity need arises. SCB wants to build houses in future because they consider housing really important. As well, Seneca is a partner in this project

Educational Sponsorship Program

One of the major needs of the Riverton community is to get all children in school, and going frequently; however, in Jamaica everyone pays fees for their children to attend. They need money for books, uniforms, bus fare, extra classes as mandated by the schools, and in most cases, tuition. Through the lack of 
financial resources of their parents, the education of many of Jamaica’s children is compromised. Some children are unable to attend on any one day because there is no money for bus fare (schools are hardly ever within walking distance), or for a lunch. As a result of their infrequent attendance, there can be big gaps in the children’s understanding, knowledge and skills, putting them at risk of failure, or of dropping out of school altogether.  In response to this dilemma, past SCB trip participants and their families and friends have committed to helping out families in the community by committing to donate a portion of school fees. At this point we are helping over 65 children in the community, all of whom are at different levels of education. There are, however, many more children who can use help. YOU CAN HELP BY SPONSORING A CHILD IN RIVERTON, SO THEY CAN GO TO SCHOOL. ALSO, YOU CAN VOLUNTEER BY GOING ON THE JAMAICA TRIP WITH SCB. In both the cases, whether you are interested in sponsoring a child in Riverton or going on the Jamaica trip with SCB, please contact Caitlin Wood at:

Other Important Projects of SCB!!!!

Built a wall/fence around the property to ensure the security of supplies and prevent vandalism of school buildings and materials.
Built a water tank for the medical clinic in order to have running water and maintain hygiene. Built a sink and pipes in the schoolyard for hand washing and drinking water. Built two large outdoor paint easels where up to 8 children can paint at the same time. Youth and adults in the community collaborated to create a community garden (which was removed to make room for the Parent-Child drop in centre).

Up-Coming Projects

New School

One of the long-term projects at SCB is to build a new school in the Riverton community. At present there are approximately 200 children in four classes in one large, single-room building. At times the noise is excessive to children’s learning and the ability or teachers to teach. The classes are overloaded and few resources are available to children. Plans for the school, which have been completed, include 6 classrooms, new facilities for washrooms, an administrative office, and a staff room.

They  do not have an accurate estimate for this project at this time; however, we have begun the process of raising funds. We are currently in discussions with the major funder of the Riverton School, St. Patrick’s Foundation, to determine land ownership and the responsibilities of each party involved in the project. After the school is built, the existing buildings will be refurbished to accommodate community groups – a woman’s program, a seniors’ centre, a family resource centre, which will include a parent-child drop-in centre, and a community classroom which is wired for online learning. Finally, the community healthcare clinic that is on the same site will be upgraded. The new school will be a wonderful way for the children and teachers to work more effectively and allow the school in Jamaica, the same environment we get at our schools in Canada.

Tool Bank

The Riverton community has many skilled residents who have the skills to work but don’t always have the tools.  If they could have access to tools, they would be able to create income for their families.  To act in response to this need, Junior Rowe (principal at Riverton Meadows) has asked SCB to assist in establishing  a tool bank which can rent tools out to carpenters, construction workers, electricians, plumbers, etc., so that they can do their own projects and business endeavors.

St. Monica’s Nursing Home

On every trip, SCB visits the residents of St. Monica’s Nursing Home, which is a home for elderly, infirm and usually abandoned seniors.  The visit is strictly social and very much enjoyed by the residents.  They expect us every winter and summer.  SCB brings a birthday cake each time and celebrate everyone’s birthday, as some of the residents’ birthdays are unknown.  We also bring donated medical supplies, and clothing.

Sustainability project

The Sustainability Project is what SCB is working on as one of the projects for the community of Riverton. In this project, at Riverton, they want to have a carpentry shop where they would create children’s furniture for different daycare. A carpenter from Canada would go to Riverton and help in showing and making the furniture with some people in the community, so they can continue doing this project and this will help in providing jobs for people in the community.

Mustard Seed Communities

Mustard Seed Communities is the well known catholic organization in Jamaica, which was founded by Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon. Mustard Seed Communities have 12 centers across the island of Jamaica.  Students Crossing Borders worked in many of those sites but primarily focus on their homes for orphaned and abandoned children living with HIV/AIDS.  There are three such homes, Matthew 25, Martha’s House and Dare to Care.

For more information about Mustard Seeds Community, you could visit their website by clicking on the link below:

The Jerusalem! Developmental Play Centre (JDPC)

On March 16, 2009, there was a fire at Martha’s House, destroying the facility and everything in it. Thankfully, all the children and caregivers escaped safely. Mustard Seed decided to rebuild the Martha’s House at a different location - at Jerusalem! At this new location, five cottages were built in a semi-circle to house the children, who were displaced by the fire. The new place provided children with space to run and play.

Students Crossing Borders took an initiative to assist in the redevelopment of Martha’s House, by organizing the “Container Project”. The main goal of the project was to create an early childhood education playroom for the children of Martha’s House. To achieve their goal, SCB raised funds to purchase a 40-foot shipping container. Then they began filling the container by gathering with furniture and household supplies for the new houses – couches, kitchen tables, dressers and so on. Next they gathered furniture, toys, painting easels, equipment, and program supplies – everything that is needed in an early childhood setting. Finally, SCB packed doors, windows and air conditioners so that the container could be converted into a classroom once it arrived at the new Martha’s House site.  Still, the donations continued, and they received many other items that contributed to additional projects with their other Jamaican partners.

The container was then shipped to Jamaica and delivered to Jerusalem!
All of the supplies that were gathered and brought to Jerusalem site were eventually converted to a new building - the Jerusalem! Developmental Play Centre (JDPC).
The Developmental Play Centre was officially opened on July 15, 2010. SCB also interviewed and trained a newly graduated Jamaican ECE, who currently works in the centre.

The JDPC provides a child-directed, play-based learning environment for children 18 months and up. The centre is available to all the children on the Jerusalem site, including children with special needs and those living with HIV/AIDS. 

 Jerusalem! Village Learning Centre

After setting up the JDPC, SCB was asked to create an adult learning centre with the substantial quantity of furniture and program materials that were remained. An adult learning was built for the residents with physical and developmental special needs.   In less than 2 weeks SCB team mobilized a massive work effort and converted a rundown cottage into a beautiful learning centre, which is open all day, 7 days a week.

Homework Library

Using more materials left over from the container and many materials brought down with SCB group, SCB was asked to revitalize an existing library and homework centre for the girls of Dare to Care.  The room consists of a book library; computer workstations, desk and table space and a office and art supply storage area.

Educational Assessments

In 2008 SCB helped the children of Mustard Seed get placed in school by conducting educational assessments that were required for their school enrolment.  Prior to that, 90% of the children were not in school. 

Professional Development Workshops

Most of the caregivers who are directly responsible for the care of the children are nurses who have no training in early childhood education or behavior guidance.  As a result, caregivers have difficulty keeping children stimulated, engaged and out of trouble.  In 2008, SCB was asked to provide professional development (training) for all the caregivers on topic such as learning through play, behaviour guidance and activity planning. These trainings still continue.

Classroom Support

Much as in Riverton, SCB assist in the classroom during the day. SCB help with organizing, creating resources, planning activities and taking small groups out of the classroom for focused activities. SCB also replenish their classroom supplies such as paper, pencils, etc.  

Summer Camp program

Each summer the Little Angels School on the Jerusalem! compound runs a summer school program.  SCB was asked to help enhance the program by helping teachers plan more interactive and play-based activities. This became an on-going project area.

Field Trips for Children

The Mustard Seed Children have some unique challenges due to their circumstance, which has them living in a group home.  One of the biggest challenges is lack of opportunities to experience the world off the compound.  Children are kept sheltered there due to horrible societal stigmas associated with HIV/AIDS and also because of the lack of funding.  Each year, SCB run a number of highly anticipated field trips including a beach trip for all children, and a movie night for the boys at Matthew 25.  Occasionally, SCB hold a slumber party or workshops for the teenage girls and/or boys at accommodations, St. Theresas.


  1. Crossing boards seems like a great program especially for ECEs like us who love working directly with children. When is the next time the organization will going to Jamaica again? I definitely don’t mind gain international experience where I’m making a difference in a child’s life and community because I believe if we all put some effort in volunteering and provided our educational backgrounds to others in need we can definitely change or inspire young children to be positive as well as motivate them to run after their dreams.
    Belgin Oksem

    1. Hi Belgin, I am one of the directors of SCB, If you are interested in attending the trip in February (or anyone else for that matter) please e-mail me at so much!

  2. Belgin,

    SCB is a great organization that allows Early Childhood Educators and other professionals who loves or even works with children and their families. The next trip is February 2014 where they spend 2 weeks in Jamaica. It does give you the opportunity to see what you normally won't see everyday. The opportunity is great as you experience a different country and you do get a worldly experience as you experience something new. It is true, as we are BCD students we do have experiences with children , we can definitively bring what we learn to the children and the different communities as a whole. Thank you for your interest in SCB and hopefully we will see you on one these trips.

    Kelcey & Madiha
